Quantum Reversal releases GPS L1/L2 anti-jamming unit and antenna - GPS World : GPS World

2022-05-21 00:02:06 By : Ms. Wendy Wu

Quantum Reversal has released the QR100, a novel L1/L2 GPS anti-jamming unit, and the QR101, an  L1/L2 GPS anti-jamming antenna, designed for the commercial market to solve the issue of unintentional RF interference or jamming.

The QR100 uses three external passive or active GPS antennas of the user’s choice, while the QR101 has three passive L1/L2 antennas embedded inside the enclosure. Low power consumption of 1 Watt and low cost allow for a wide range of applications where the continuity of GPS service is a must.

“Clever RF signal nulling in the RF domain allowed us to eliminate the need for signal processing, and hence, significantly reducing the power consumption when compared to existing military solutions,” said Waldemar Kunysz, Quantum Reversal President and CTO.

The technology prevents the RF front-end from saturation when the interfering signal is very strong due to its power or close proximity to the antenna. This extends the range of the operation for mobile applications and reduces susceptibility to nearby sources of interference for any type of fixed installations.

Learn more at the company’s website.

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