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Murata company pSemi Corp of San Diego, CA, USA – a fabless provider of radio-frequency integrated circuits (RFICs) based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) – has announced the production readiness of two new millimeter-wave (mmWave) ICs targeted for active antenna systems in 5G base stations, 5G customer premises equipment (CPE) and point-to-point radio communication applications.
In addition to the 8-channel beam-forming front-end and dual-channel up-down converter ICs, pSemi offers a complete support package of tools and technical expertise to simplify mmWave design and development.
The new RF SOI ICs are the latest in the firm’s mmWave portfolio that offers full IF-to-RF coverage across the n257, n258 and n260 bands in what are claimed to be the industry’s smallest form factors.
“As the n257 band reaches global mainstream use, pSemi is pleased to introduce a suite of mmWave products and tools to support this growing demand,” says Vikas Choudhary, VP of sales & marketing.
The PE188200 beam-former IC (n257 band) and PE128300 up-down converter IC (n257, n258 band) offer a wide range of features and benefits to 5G FR2 system designers, including:
Additionally, the PE188200 8-channel beam-former IC offers:
Additionally, the PE128300 dual-channel up-down converter IC offers:
In addition to samples and evaluation kits (EVK) pSemi offers a complete support package of software tools and technical expertise to help customers get up to speed working with its beam-former ICs, up-down converter ICs, or arrayed combinations of both:
The discrete RFICs were featured and demonstrated as a part of the Murata antenna-integrated module in pSemi’s booth at the IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2022) in Denver, CO, USA (21-23 June).
pSemi introduces complete 5G mmWave RF front-end solution
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