Launchpad: Mobile mapping, surveillance system, airborne lidar - GPS World : GPS World

2022-06-24 20:25:29 By : Mr. Ayew Chen

A roundup of recent products in the GNSS and inertial positioning industry from the June 2022 issue of GPS World magazine.

For survey-grade GNSS accuracy anywhere

A base/rover feature built upon the Flex GNSS receiver brings affordable centimeter-level accuracy to surveyors and geospatial professionals working anywhere in the world. The solution consists of two Flex GNSS receivers and two UHF radios, allowing customers to perform high-accuracy field data collection in areas where traditional real-time kinematic (RTK) corrections or cellular coverage is not available. Existing Flex customers can upgrade by adding Flex radio kits (pictured). The Bad Elf Flex enables data collection either as a standalone receiver or paired with apps on iOS or Android phones and tablets.

Preserves privacy with artificial intelligence

The Leica Pegasus TRK reality-capture mobile-mapping system features artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous workflows and intuitive interfaces. To comply with privacy regulations, its AI can identify and blur identifiers, such as people and vehicles, in real time. Features include advanced dynamic laser scanning and an expandable imagery system for recording, measuring and visualizing. It enables long-range mobile mapping for asset management, road construction, rail, critical infrastructure, utilities and more. The system also can create high-definition basemaps for autonomous vehicles.

Delivers colorized products with high accuracy

The True View 645/650 is the latest 3D Imaging System (3DIS) from GeoCue. Combined with the True View EVO data-processing software suite, it includes the full post-processing software workflow and directly integrates with Applanix POSPac. EVO supports the creation of project deliverables including ground classified point clouds, surface models, contours, digital elevation models (DEMs), volumetric analysis and wire extraction. The system delivers colorized lidar deliverables with accuracy better than 3 cm root-mean-square-error (RMSE) for the True View 645, and better than 2 cm for the True View 650.

The Eagle-2 works with software-defined receivers in real time or records GNSS signals for post-processing. For post-processing, Eagle-2 supports most third-party receivers, such as MATLAB and C/C++ receivers. The front end allows a user to work with two perfectly synchronized channels connected to two antennas. The Eagle-2 supports GPS, Galileo, GLONASS , BeiDou, QZSS and SBAS.

Feature extended filtering of interference

The housed HC885XF and embedded HC885EXF dual-band eXtended Filtering (XF) antennas receive GPS/QZSS L1/L5, GLONASS G1/G3, Galileo E1/ E5a/b, BeiDou B1/B2/B2a and L-band corrections services. They have been tuned to provide optimal support for the entire L1/G1/E1/B1/L-band correction and L5/G3/E5/B2 bands. The housed version, HC885XF, weighs ~42 g and is enclosed in a robust, military-grade IP67 plastic enclosure. The embedded version, HC885EXF, weighs ~8 g and is easily mounted with an embedded helical mounting ring.

Sets performance benchmarks for harsh environments

The AD9213S-CSH is a highly integrated RF analog-to-digital converter that handles 12-bit, 10.25-giga-samples per second. It is the company’s fastest ADC available for the space environment. The AD9213-CSH enables the next generation of software-defined systems for satellite communications, radar and remote sensing. The high sample rate and integrated post-processing enable further performance gains for narrow-band applications.

Analog Devices,

Provides guidance to achieve corporate buy-in

Skyward has published a free ebook, Adding Drones to the Enterprise, to provide guidance on establishing a corporate drone program. According to Skyward, the most efficient and effective drone programs are the lowest risk and most compliant. Topics covered include how to present the business value of a drone operation to corporate executives; how risk managers can optimize the workflow to ensure maximum safety; best practices for risk mitigation and regulatory compliance; tips for collaborating with legal and compliance teams on a general operating manual; and how to provide full transparency to corporate stakeholders.


Includes drone, fleet software and charging dock

DJI’s all-in-one solution for professional drone operators includes the DJI Matrice 30 (M30) drone integrated with DJI FlightHub 2 fleet-management cloud software and DJI Dock for autonomous docking and recharging. The integrated solution is suitable for Enterprise drone users such as public safety agencies, infrastructure inspectors and energy operators. The M30 model is designed for rugged professional uses, while the fact that it fits in a backpack makes transportation and setup fast. The DJI Dock is an autonomous takeoff, landing and charging station allowing fully automatic, programmed flights with the DJI M30 Series (Dock Version). After setup, the fully charged M30 drone can take off from the dock through FlightHub 2 programmed automatic missions anywhere within a seven-kilometer radius.

Easily installed on various UAV platforms

The AlphaAir 1400 (AA1400) and AlphaAir 2400 (AA2400) lidar systems are lightweight, compact airborne scanners easily installed on various UAV platforms or small survey aircraft and helicopters. They are adapted to high-density point-corridor mapping applications, day or night, under leaf-on and leaf-off conditions or with dense vegetation to provide reliable results. Combined with industrial-grade GNSS receivers and high-precision inertial measurement units (IMUs), the AA1400 and AA2400 provide 2 cm to 5 cm survey-grade accuracy. They also integrate Riegl VUX lidars with waveform-lidar technology, allowing echo digitization and online waveform processing.

The VECTOR-600 is a robust, dependable autopilot with built-in physical and logical redundancy, allowing it to survive all individual sensor failures while maintaining accurate estimates of attitude and position. It works for fixed-wing, rotary-wing and vertical-take-off-and-landing UAVs. It provides exceptional performance in GNSS-denied environments and when there is a jamming threat. The VECTOR-600 features high quality components and an electromagnetic-resistant design tested to MIL-STD 461.

Ground-based solution enables safe operations

Casia G is a ground-based detect-and-avoid surveillance solution that provides 360° optical detection with alerts. It enables operators to avoid both cooperative and non-cooperative aircraft for safe beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) flight. Casia G creates a perimeter of monitored airspace for UAVs to perform work safely, without additional payload. It is suitable for operations in fixed or temporary locations, supporting drone-in-the-box operations and augmenting or replacing human visual observers. Casia G sees the entire sky, with uniform probability and resolution, 10 times per second, covering a majority of small UAS use cases.

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