I was recently at the WIU Library’s Archives and Special Collections division (where I used to work), which is the major source for materials related to our region, and I happened to notice a couple of new memoirs about growing up in western Illinois. Both were published just last year. Because I have a long-standing interest in autobiographical accounts from our part of America, I read both books, and they have some engaging insights.
One is Peter J. Gorham’s “Galesburg, Illinois: Growing Up in an All-American City.” He is a novelist and poet, with seven other books in print, and as the title of this one suggests, his major focus is the nature of the community where he spent his boyhood (and still lives). In 1958, when the author was twelve, Galesburg was designated an “All-American City” by the National Civic League, and from his own experience, he also views the town as a friendly place of high values and meaningful experience.
His family lived close to the downtown, and as Gorham recalls from his pre-school years, “My brother and I played in our yard, and the yards in the neighborhood, roaming virtually unsupervised, like all kids did then. . . .” There was an empty field near their house, where the boys also hunted for bees, butterflies, and garter snakes. So, he had a great time as a small boy.
As he got older, Gorham also became involved in many church and school activities, as well as Little League baseball. And he later mentions popular things that he did as a teenager, such as swimming and having picnics at Lake Bracken. Also, he became aware of the interrelationship between his town and the life of Carl Sandburg, to whose experience and public impact he devotes a chapter.
At the end, Gorham has a commentary titled “We Need a New Vision,” where he laments that “The world we knew is gone. . . .” And he asserts that in its place we have a culture that’s “not predictable or safe,” for “our society has . . . come to obediently accept lawlessness and terrorism, lack of respect for authority, dysfunctional schools, lies from the media and from politicians. ...” So, one thing we need is “a sense of continuity with the past.” Of course, his memoir was a fine effort to foster that interconnection with a safer, more unified America.
The other recent memoir that I read was “Looking for Cornbread: Coming of Age in Small-Town America, Circa 1950-1960s,” by Joe Paradis. Born in 1947, he was primarily raised in Avon, east of Little Swan Lake, in Fulton County. As he points out, that village of 1,000 “was at its zenith in the 1950s-60s”: “There were three grocery stores, two barber shops, two restaurants, two farm implement dealerships, an insurance agency, two taverns, a dime store, a clothing store, a hardware store, a drug store, three doctors’ offices, a dentist’s office, a bank, a laundromat, a library, a park with a band shell, a Ford dealership, a post office, a pool hall, a Dairy-Delite, a hotel (of sorts)—and in the earliest 1950s, a movie theatre.” And he also mentions “a grain elevator, a coal yard, a lumber yard, a TV antenna factory, a railroad depot, a high school, and ... a hospital.” So, Avon today exemplifies the decline of many small towns.
But unlike Peter Gorham, Paradis doesn’t celebrate the quality of his childhood years, for he was raised in an impoverished, problematic family, headed by an alcoholic father who was often abusive. As he mentions, “Whippings were frequent and harsh.” And aside from beating Joe and his two older brothers, his father also beat his mother as well—although not usually in front of the boys. The author comments that such brutal abuse of women and children was what some men “took for granted,” and it “was seldom challenged in that era.”
Also, there was a lack of any meaningful relationship with his father. “Dad and I never had any heart-to-heart talks,” Paradis says, nor did he provide “instruction on anything.” In fact, “He took no interest in my schoolwork, nor in any other aspects of my life.”
Because of their poverty, his parents couldn’t even afford to send him to kindergarten — which then cost $25 for the year, so when he started first grade, at age six, he didn’t fit in with other kids, who already had that classroom experience and felt closely connected to each other.
Because of his background in a troubled family, and his lack of extensive, meaningful contact with other kids, it is not surprising that Paradis was also in conflict with some grade school teachers, and he sometimes got into fights with schoolmates. So, for various reasons, he was an alienated kid — and he struggled to get focused as a young man.
His father died when he was twelve, but his mother worked as a nurse, so the poor family was able to continue. And Paradis worked hard, too, at a variety of jobs on nearby farms.
After high school, the author tried to attend college, at nearby WIU, but he flunked out a couple of times, so that was a struggle, too. But he finally did succeed — and eventually got his academic footing at other universities, although he doesn’t focus on that effort. At the close of his memoir, Paradis asserts that he has “done well in life,” but he provides no details. His wife helped him to re-focus his life and stabilize his career, and at the close of the memoir Paradis asserts that he has “done well in life,” despite his difficult early years. Among other things, he has produced three books about art pottery, two of them focused on the Haeger company.
As for Avon, he mentions that “the old families are still there, but the majority of businesses are gone.” Regarding the houses that he once knew, “Some ... are now abandoned, some torn down; many of the homes still occupied are now dilapidated.” So, he realizes that many positive aspects of that small town have vanished.
In any case, it’s clear that Peter Gorham and Joe Paradis had very different boyhood experiences in small-town western Illinois. And they remind us of the inner impact that family and community life can have on youngsters, as they strive to develop themselves.
Writer and speaker John Hallwas is a columnist for the “McDonough County Voice.”