Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design
Inertial Labs recently released updated versions of its Kernel inertial measurement units (IMUs). The series represents a fully integrated inertial solution that combines the latest MEMS sensor technology.
The Kernel-110, 120, 210 and 220 are a set of compact, self-contained, strapdown industrial-grade (100-series) and tactical-grade (200-series) IMUs that measure linear acceleration and angular rates with three-axis MEMS accelerometers and three-axis MEMS gyroscopes.
The Kernel-110 and 120 IMUs supersede the company’s existing Kernel-100 IMU, while the Kernel-210 and 220 are a miniaturized version of the IMUP Tactical unit. The Kernel-210 and 220, which contain a 1 deg/hr bias in-run stability gyroscopes and 0.005 mg bias in-run stability accelerometers, are fully calibrated, temperature compensated and mathematically aligned to an orthogonal coordinate system.
A compact design and low power consumption make the IMUs easy to integrate into a variety of higher order systems.
Featuring continuous Built-in Test (BIT), configurable communications protocols, electromagnetic interference (EMI) protection, and flexible input power requirements, the IMUs can be leveraged in a variety of environments and integrated system applications. Units have been thoroughly tested to perform in large variations in temperature, high vibration and shock.
The Kernel series, designed for air, marine and land environments, can be integrated into Motion Reference Units (MRU), Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS) and GPS-Aided Inertial Navigation Systems (INS). Applications include autonomous vehicles, antenna and line of sight stabilizations systems, and buoy or boat motion monitoring.
Washington View – Deja Vu All Over Again: Ligado’s 5G Network Set For Collision Course With GPS?
Brussels View: EU Space Community Talks Security, Defense and Galileo
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Washington View – Deja Vu All Over Again: Ligado’s 5G Network Set For Collision Course With GPS?
Brussels View: EU Space Community Talks Security, Defense and Galileo