Corner placement antenna for GNSS designs

2022-08-19 20:23:04 By : Ms. Rebecca Lai

By David Manners 15th August 2022

Antenova,  the Hatfield manufacturer of antennas and RF antenna modules for M2M and the IoT, is adding to its range of miniature  SMD  antennas and modules for GNSS applications.

The new antenna , Agosti, part number SR4G080, measures 9.0 x 5.8 x 1.7 mm and operate s with exceptional efficiency in a reduced space on a corner of a PCB .

The key advantage of the Agosti antenna is its small ground plane requirement.

Most SMD antennas use the surface of the PCB around the antenna as a ground plane to radiate signal from , so it is the ground plane requirement not the physical dimensions of the antenna that defines the space it needs.

Antenova’s radiated m easurement results show Agosti operating well on small ground planes of 40 x 20 mm, 70 x 25 mm and 80 x 30 mm , making it a good choice for small form factor designs .

Agosti also offers designers some additional layout options, as it is designed to be placed on a corner of their PCB.

Agosti is designed to integrate and co-exist with other antennas within the same device.

On Board D iagnostics (OBDs) and trackers often use 4G/LTE with A-GPS for fall-back and the Agosti antenna has been tested with Antenova’s Pharoah antenna, part number SR4L073, which also has a very small ground plane requirement.

The two antennas have excellent isolation and can operate in close proximity to each other in a very small device without the 4G signal interfering with sensitive GNSS signals.

“ Small SMD antennas such as Agosti are a n exciting alternative to the common de licate ceramic patch antennas used in GNSS designs,” says Antenova’s Michael Castle, “this  is not just b ecause the SMD antennas are significantly smaller, it is also because they provide omni – directional performance . Patch antennas are typically 12 mm or 14 mm square, are heavier than SMD antennas, and need a much larger ground plan e and keep out area . They also have to be placed in the centre of a circuit board and only work well when they point at the sky. Antenova’s new generation of SMD antennas overcome all of these limitations and perform well regardless of position and orientation of the device . ”

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