Alain Berset Poses A 5G Antenna In His Front Yard

2022-08-26 20:15:27 By : Mr. Xiao Yang

Ellen Bursett wrote a letter against the planned 5G antenna at her residence. In this, the Health Minister also expressed health concerns.

Swisscom actually wanted to install a 4G antenna in the Belfaux FR in 2018, which could then be upgraded to 5G. The community’s 3,300 residents protested and collected signatures. Arguably the city’s most prominent resident chose a different path: Federal Councilor Ellen Berset shared her concerns with a letter directly to the community. It is shown by documents that a 5G competitor was able to see thanks to the Public Information Act and “Blick”.

Ellen Bursett, who lived about 180 meters from the antenna’s planned location, made six arguments against the location. One of them was a health hazard: “Electromagnetic waves of technological origin, especially those emanating from mobile phone technology, cause harmful effects on humans and animals.” It is in a letter signed by the federal councillor, his wife, his mother and another relative.

The Federal Office of Public Health also describes the danger “at very high intensity” on its website. However, it assures that the applied limit values ​​are protected from excessive loads. Burset spokesman Christian Favre says the federal council simply stated that compliance with radiation standards is essential. In the letter, however, Bursett also wrote that it is possible that the threshold values ​​will be adjusted upward in the future.

According to a spokesperson, as a rule, Swisscom submits applications for building construction, with objections causing “greater delays”. In Belfaux FR, however, the project was dropped. About because of the major rival? Swisscom denied saying that the location was changed due to a negative statement from the Cultural Heritage Office.

Federal Mother Alain Berset 5G Swisscom

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