New ground geophysics (ELF-EM) results at Tourmaline Ridge support high priority, drill targets along
1km strike length of an interpreted Pogo-style shear system
Five targets have been prioritised based on a structural interpretation for a Pogo-style shear and cross
cutting north-south faults, considered most prospective for focussing high-grade gold mineralisation
All drillholes fall within a significant 1800m x 750m gold-in-soil anomaly and drill targets are further
supported by proximal rock chips up to 118 g/t Au and trenching results up to 4.8 g/t Au
Five diamond holes are planned, each ranging between 200-550m in length with drilling to commence
in late June and take approximately six weeks
Resolution is fully funded to complete the 2022 Alaskan field season after the recent $1.9m capital raise
and announcing a 2nd significant ($4m) farm-in agreement with OZ Minerals on Projects in Australia*
Figure 1 Trenching activities underway September 2021 at Tourmaline Ridge, annotated with planned drill holes in field of view.
Dr Paul Kitto - TED
Jarek Kopias - Co Sec
only Interim-CEO / Exploration Manager, Christine Lawley commented:
Tourmaline Ridge is a must drill, stand out gold target, motivating our team to continue working hard in the lead up to executing the planned 5 hole, 2200m diamond drilling program set to start in only a few weeks. Logistics and planning are now in the final stages and we can't wait for the drill to start turning.
We are very pleased to see that the ELF-EM ground geophysics survey results support our geological model for hanging wall gold mineralisation positioned above a Pogo-style gold system. The geophysics use has allowed us to refine our drill hole design, which will cover a 1km strike and 600m change in elevation across the targeted dilational Pogo-style shear, which underlies the 1800m x 750m gold-in-soil anomaly.
Our understanding of the mineral system has continued to grow with further data analysis. The numerous north-south dilational faults, which cross-cut the shear are interpreted to be a primary focus for the gold bearing fluids at Tourmaline Ridge.
personal Tourmaline Ridge Planned Drill Collars For
Figure 2. Planned collars over anomalous surface geochemistry extending over a 1.8km x 750m area with a prospective ENE-SSW trending shear (red line) extending along strike from the Goodpaster Deposit to the northeast, with cross-cutting NS faults. Section line Trench 1 & 2 is reference for Figure 1. (RML ASX Announcement 26/11/2019).
Figure 3 Tourmaline Ridge Prospect cross section (593650E) including full assay results on trench 21TR001 and 21TR002 and historical holes
WP12-01 and WP-1 overlying recently acquired ELF-EM survey results which defines lateral changes in the subsurface conductivity and discrete
conductors which have some degree of dip (i.e. less effective on flat lying or vertical features). The ELF-EM colour scale spans 0.002 (red) through
to 0.11 (purple) for the ELF Tipper In-phase Divergence (units).
Figure 4 The 64North Project Claims (Feb 2022) in blue surrounding Northern Star's Pogo Gold Mine and Goodpaster Deposit. Key RML prospects Miranda, Last Chance, Elaine, Kramer, George, ER, Tourmaline Ridge and Aurora Prospects annotated with mineralisation style.
only the ELF-EM ground geophysical survey at Tourmaline Ridge. Furthermore RML has processed the results, refining and supporting compelling drill targets that are highly prospective for high-grade gold mineralisation adjacent and along trend from the Pogo Gold Mine and Goodpaster Deposit owned by Northern Star (ASX:NST) at RML's 64North Project in Alaska.
Resolution Minerals Ltd ( RML or Company) is pleased to announce that the Company has completed
The ELF-EM modelling further support previous trenching results (RML ASX announcement 28 April 2022), in which gold mineralisation links have been observed between the trenching assays and historical drill data. The trenching assay results confirm Resolution's 3D geological model for the surface expression at Tourmaline Ridge (Figure 3), r presenting antithetic hanging wall veins, which RML believes to sit directly above the interpreted dilational northwest dipping Pogo-style shear, with a high probability of hosting significant gold mineralisation.
use Resolution is very pleased with the outcome of the ELF-EM ground geophysical survey and the implications for potential high-gradePogo-style mineralisation. Resolution looks forward to drill testing this highly prospective Tourmaline Ridge Prospect, scheduled to commence in a matter of weeks.
Earthworks are about to commence to access and install drill pads ahead of a late June start to the ~2,200m, 5-hole diamond core drill program. In addition, a regional exploration at the East Pogo claims (Figure 4) will be undertaken to refine drill targets at the Miranda and Last Chance prospects to drill ready status.
The planned drill program at Tourmaline Ridge will take approximately 6 weeks to complete, and selective samples will be cut and transported to laboratories outside of Alaska for optimised turn-around times. As part of the drilling program, Resolution will upgrade access tracks to enable follow up winter drilling, in anticipation of the summer eason results. Once the tracks are completed in June, the Tourmaline Ridge Prospect can then be progressed all year round, using Resolution's tracks and the all-weather Pogo Gold Mine road maintained by the operator Northern Star (ASX:NST). This provides a significant infrastructure advantage over the majority of Alaskan mineral exploration projects, which are unable to operate continually due to seasonal access constraints. The Company will provide an update to the market upon the commencement of drilling in late June.
About the 64North Project, Alaska
The 64North Project is adjacent to Northern Star's (ASX:NST) Pogo Gold Mine, 120km from Fairbanks, Alaska in the Tintina
Gold Province. NST's operating world class high grade Pogo Gold Mine has an endowment of 12M oz of gold and started
production in 2006, producing approximately 4M oz Au @ 300,000oz/year at over 13g/t Au from 2006 to 2018. RML holds a
42% interest in the 64North Project and is earning up to a 60% interest in stages (51% and 60%). RML has a conditional
pathway to 80% interest in a single "Best Block" at RML's election. RML can form a JV at any stage and holds a first right over
the Vendors interest. The Project is owned by Millrock Resources (Vendor) (TSXV:MRO) see RML ASX Announcement 31
January 2022 for full details. The total size of the claim blocks in 357km2 .
or further information please contact the authorising officer Christine Lawley:
The information in this report that relates to Exploration Targets, Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Ms Christine Lawley who is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Ms Christine Lawley holds shares, options and performance rights in and is a full-time employee of the company and has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Ms Christine Lawley consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form in which it is appears and confirms that the data reported as foreign estimates are an accurate representation of the available
use data and studies of the material mining project. This report includes results that have previously been released under JORC 2012 by the Company as 26 November 2019 as "2019 AGM Managing Director's Presentation", 14 May 2020 as "Exploration Update - 64North Project Alaska", on 24 June 2020 as "Drilling Update - 64North Project Alaska", 13 July 2020 as "Investor Presentation - Noosa Mining Virtual Conference", 25 August 2020 as "Drilling Commenced at Reflection Prospect - 64North", 10 September 2020 as "Assays and Operations Update 64North Project Alaska", 24 September 2020 as "Boundary Prospect Results at Pogo Trend - 64North Project", 29 September 2020 as "Drilling Results West Pogo Block - 64North Project, Alaska", 30 October 2020 as "Quarterly Report September 2020", 5 November 2020 as "Alaska Miners Association Technical Presentation", 14 December 2020 as "New Claims Added
personal East Pogo - 64North Project, Alaska", 18 January 2021 as "Outcropping Gold System Identified - Assay Results 2020, 64North, Alaska", 9 February 2021 as "Positive revision of JV agreement for 64North project, Alaska", 17 May 2021 as "Sunrise Prospect Assays confirm Fort Knox style system", 5 July 2021 as "Drilling Program Completed at East Pogo Gold Prospect", 6 August 2021 as "East Pogo Drilling Update - 64North Project", 31 January 2022 as "Interest earned 64North Project", 24 February 2022 as "Positive trenching results identify Pogo-style drill targets - Tourmaline Ridge 64North Project", 25 February 2022 as "Positive Technical study completed - Cu-Au-Mo Porphyry Prospects - Divide Block 64North Project" and 28 April 2022 as "Tourmaline Ridge Exploration Update, 64North Project Alaska".
The Company is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in this announcement.
The ELF-EM (Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetics) system is designed to measure the spatial attitude and ellipticity of the local time varying magnetic field. The specification of the ELF system is analogous to the airborne For ZTEM™ system. The ELF responds well to lateral changes in subsurface conductivity & discrete conductors that have some degree of dip. The system consists of a sensor block & acquisition console. The sensor block contains three orthogonal electromagnetic sensors, preamplifiers, digital compass, and a GPS antenna. This unit is connected by a 15m cable to the data acquisition console where the user collects data & analyses the response in real time.
The system is a light-weight (10kg) and typically requires two operators, making it a very low cost technique.
This is an excerpt of the original content. To continue reading it, access the original document here.
Resolution Minerals Ltd. published this content on 07 June 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 07 June 2022 23:11:07 UTC.