Cavaliere del Lavoro, founder of one of the most technological and international companies.Calearo antennas with a shark fin design fit on the most beautiful cars in the worldHer descendants, children and grandchildren, all have a double surname, to show her also: Ciman.You are ninety years old (of which over seventy of the company) one of the most extraordinary women of the Venetian company: Lucia Berta Ciman Calearo."After having raised three generations in the family, after having founded and spent the last 65 years in Calearo Antenne, after having actively contributed to the evolution of women in entrepreneurship, after having earned honorary citizenship for the love shown towards its territory , Lucia Ciman Calearo, on 8 June 2022, also found the time to cross the 90-year milestone ”they write on the company's website.Mrs. Berta, that's what they call her in the company.And many important decisions have passed through her.“The Lady decides” was the most repeated formula.Lucia Ciman and Alessio Calearo begin their entrepreneurial adventure in Motta di Costabissara, Vicenza, creating a company that produces bicycle bells.It is an economic and automobile boom, Calearo diversifies its production by offering the first radio antennas for cars.This choice will determine the success of the company which will supply the most important car manufacturers directly.The famous shark fin antenna that fits on the most beautiful cars in the world was their innovation, putting design and beauty in a visible and today concentrated piece of technology on the cars.A brilliant choice because it was enclosed, more than twenty years ago, in a single solution with a small footprint, merged with the aesthetics of the car by combining AM / FM functions with GSM and GPS for satellite navigation.And then with all the technologies of the recent past and today.Like the one for Dab and Dab + digital radio.The car becomes connected and the interest of the car market is increasingly aimed at the transmission of vehicle data and the experience on board the cars.Smart cars and autonomous driving are a reality.The antenna therefore acquires fundamental importance, becoming the true center of connection between the car and the world."It was not an easy adventure - Ciman told Il Giornale di Vicenza in 2018 on the occasion of honorary citizenship from the city of Isola Vicentina -.My husband was primarily an inventor who later became familiar with the commercial sector.He takes a lot of good will but above all sacrifice.My husband went to open the gates at 6 in the morning.Now such a thing is no longer thinkable, but sacrifices are always talked about.Our employees are part of the family.If they weren't there, what would we do? ».From one of his employees, he says in an interview with Corriere della Sera, he bought a used 600 for his then 18-year-old son Massimo Calearo Ciman.A sign of the relationship of closeness and affection that binds her to his people, in a sector such as that of the metalworking industry where disputes are numerous, in over seventy years of the company, there is only one dispute.In 2005 the President of the Italian Republic, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, conferred on her the honor of Cavaliere del Lavoro.“In the parable of the same name, Jesus says that the sower does not feel fatigue when he thinks of the fruits that his land will give him - we read on the dedicated thought on the company website -.Lucia Ciman Calearo has sown a future for the many families who have been part of her long life, as she has been part of theirs, and after sowing she has collected baskets full of gratitude and affection.From all of us, for this, a thank you that has no end ".To accompany the news of her, her face made in mosaic with the faces of all the employees of her company.On Facebook Eugenio Calearo Ciman published the company's news on Lucia Ciman Calearo's ninety candles with just one comment: “Happy Grandma!”.With a capital N.Every day the summary of the day on news from the territories, the appointments, the statements of the protagonists of the economic and financial world by the editorial staffVia Ernesto Lugaro n.15 - 00126 Turin - VAT 01578251009 - Company subject to the management and coordination of GEDI Gruppo Editoriale SpAThe rights of the images and texts are reserved.Their reproduction by any means and total or partial adaptation is expressly prohibited.